Business Geolocation: A Resource For The Efficient Management Of Your Company

In this article

1 . What is Geolocation for companies?

2 . Where are you and your business geolocation?

3 . Benefits of using Geolocation in companies

3.1. 1. Security for a company

3.2. 2. Labor productivity

3.3. 3. Content of interest

Where are you? –  Asked about his love in the rock ballad titled “Where are you” in one of his most famous songs. Urrutia did not know that, if it had been for Geolocation, the lyrics of his song would not have made as much sense. Before embarking on this journey towards the efficient management of human resources in any company, we suggest making a first stop in the more formal definition of business geolocation. Let’s start!

What Is Geolocation For Companies?

The term “geolocation” has been part of our world for several years; in fact, according to Google Trends – a search tool for the most popular words on the Internet – since 2004. We could say that everything began to make sense when Google Maps began to make the life of its users much more accessible. Above all, not having much control over the so-called “sense of orientation”, Geolocation refers to the location of an object in a specific place, as is the case with smartphones, radars or any electronic device connected to the Internet. How do you geolocate? A system (software and hardware), such as GPS, allows the satellite coordinates to triangulate and the specific map location provided through the software.

When talking about business geolocation, reference to the possibility of locating your company in a specific place so that our clients can know the exact point where we are, but, in addition, Geolocation in a company has more benefits. Make a mouse scroll to meet them!

Where Are You And Business Geolocation?

On the one hand, as we have already mentioned before, Geolocation is mainly used to make it easier for our clients to know the exact point where our company is situated. But, in addition, the use of Geolocation applied to a specific field such as marketing allows us to carry out more segmented campaigns. We select those target audiences we want to address and offer only the information about the products or services that interest them, depending on where they live. Also, Geolocation is practical in areas such as the transport sector. An example is the new resources that public transport people in your city have. Thanks to Geolocation, it is known when the vehicle will pass through your area/stop, saving waiting time.

Geolocation allows much more automated processes and changes the way of belonging to a company with the entry of more flexible jobs in the professional field. Also, the organization of trip management of flights or places to sleep;  relate, since through Geolocation, it is possible to contact people close to your residence smartphone or send the location in real-time to a person.

Benefits of using Geolocation in companies

Business Geolocation_ A Resource For The Efficient Management Of Your Company (1)

1. Security For A Company

Through the geolocation application of companies, it is possible to know what is happening in the office or company when the last person turns off the lights to start the weekend, offering security and comfort. Also, thanks to RFID technology – radio frequency identification -we can keep track of the people who attend an event, avoiding overcrowding problems.

2. Labor Productivity

Yes, thanks to the Geolocation of companies, we can improve productivity; why? Because through its application, a record of the entries and exits of the employees. In fact, since May 2019, it has been mandatory by law for companies to manage their employees’ schedules optimally. In addition, other applications control the overload of tasks of the employees; for example, in the case of a transport company, Geolocation. It is possible to know and quantify the kilometers that an employee travels, thus avoiding an excess of work.

3. Content Of Interest

The application of Geolocation in companies is an added value that favors both external and internal management. Large companies or multinationals can offer their employees the information they need based on their location with good communication management of their internal public.

It also makes it possible to more effectively focus the content aimed at the external public. Improving the user experience through automatic language on a web page (depending on where it is accessed) and segmenting advertising into geolocated niches. You have arrived at your destination. But before finishing the route through the benefits of the Geolocation of companies. We will give you a summary of the way. It is essential to highlight that the application of Geolocation is an opportunity offered by new technologies and benefits the management of human resources. In addition, this has just begun, and, little by little, the geolocation map will expand, reaching all corners of companies.