Smiling Improves the Quality of Life – See the benefits that a smile provides in the short- and long-term life.


According to the dictionary, LAUGHTER means “act, effect or way of laughing. Joy, contentment.” But what few people know is that this seemingly simple practice can be perfect for your health.

A laugh relaxes the body and mind. When a person laughs, the body releases endorphins, a hormone that promotes a general feeling of well-being. Several researchers worldwide have concluded that laughter is great medicine and provides a better quality of life.

Benefits of Laughter

Laughter is a way to help prevent disease, so bring a sense of well-being and even help the body to carry out its daily activities. According to experts, laughter sends a message to the brain to produce endorphins. The stronger the feeling, the greater the production of this hormone, known to be the happiness hormone.

Several benefits for the body can be found in laughter, such as:

Helps to Reduce Anxiety

When smiling, we increase the production of hormones, as endorphin serotonin, known to be some of the hormones of happiness. With them, we alleviate the symptoms of stress and anxiety in everyday life.

When smiling, approximately 17 muscles are worked simultaneously, relaxing the body from tensions.

Stimulates Blood Circulation

Smiling relaxes, which helps the immune system work more efficiently. Facilitating increased blood flow, pumping our blood with more energy, lowering blood pressure and helping to prevent heart attacks and other types of heart disease.

Tones the facial muscles

In a laugh, we move the muscles of our face, improving the elasticity of our skin. According to studies, when we have a good laugh, several forces are activated, favoring facial blood circulation, making the skin firmer and preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Improves brain functioning – Quality of Life

Laughing causes the lungs to breathe in and out more quickly, bringing oxygen throughout the body. A good laugh can help us develop our thoughts more clearly and provide so us with a more effective creative process.

Smiling Improves the Quality of Life

Experts say that smiling benefits the mind and body and helps the proper functioning of facial and abdominal muscles and the respiratory, cardiovascular, and immune systems.

Smiling also makes things lighter. When we face day-to-day adversity with positivity and a smile on our faces, our days become more accessible and more pleasant. Improving our quality of life, helping us with our self-esteem and helping us see everything differently and positively, including ourselves.

Professionals claim that laughing can be beneficial during the treatment of some diseases, as it alters the emotional state, causing well-being in patients. So many hospitals are already using laughter therapy to improve patients’ moods and reduce pain. Today, one of the best-known groups is the clowns participating in the Doctors da Alegria.  The group goes to the patient room to bring joy to the hospitalized patients and their families.

In addition to the benefits mentioned, laughing also helps burn calories and improves sleep quality and self-esteem.

We have already seen that the benefits of a good laugh are numerous. For this, it is vital to have certain precautions, such as;

  • A healthy diet,
  • Seek to maintain a healthy lifestyle,
  • Good oral health and some primary care visit a dentist every six months.

It is crucial to hire a good dental plan, which provides several advantages and makes life easier. Discover MetLife’s Smile More Dental Plans. We have several dental procedures, a vast accredited network throughout Brazil, and values ​​that fit your pocket.

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