How to use YouTube in Inbound Marketing

How to use YouTube in Inbound Marketing: Strategy and Benefits – YouTube can play a vital role in your inbound marketing strategy, as it brings many benefits when it comes to attracting customers and moving them through the conversion funnel. Let’s see in detail how it works!

Benefits of Using YouTube in Inbound Marketing

YouTube allows you to multiply the reach and visibility of your inbound marketing. It is the second search engine after Google. Every minute is the equivalent of 100 hours of video uploaded to YouTube, and more than a billion unique users visit the site each month.

Thanks to its combination of video and SEO, YouTube is an essential platform to harness the full potential of your video content and get users to find it.

Video are 1 of the best ways to offer valuable content to potential brand customers to capture their attention and generate leads. Users increasingly prefer video content.

Video is suitable for explaining complex concepts and making product usage tutorialsThanks to the video, users can see how your product works in real life and solve their doubts much faster.

Video content helps us reinforce the branding of our brand since we can include many visual and sound elements of our corporate identity. The colours. Language and type of edition. All features help create a recognizable brand identity.

A video is an excellent tool for storytelling, as it allows for more direct and personal communication and has a great capacity to generate emotions.

Video content directs linked to conversion. According to Forbes, 90% of consumers say that product videos help them make purchasing decisions. It’s also very useful earlier in the conversion funnel: According to HubSpot, 97% of marketers say that video has helped them increase awareness of their product or service.

Seven tips to Incorporate YouTube into your Inbound Marketing Strategy

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1) Define your Goal

What do you want to be on YouTube for? Do you want to publicize your products? Propose creative ideas inspired by your brand? Provide social proof?

Before you start creating content, you must consider what you want to achieve with your inbound marketing on  YouTube.

Having a clear goal allows you to keep your channel on track and attract viewers who are genuinely interested in what your brand has to offer.

In addition to having an overview, you also need a series of specific indicators that help you measure the results of your channel over time. To define them, think of the famous SMART acronym:

  • Specific (“specific” ): the objectives must refer to concrete facts.
  • Measurable (“measurable” ): you have to be able to measure the results in a quantifiable way.
  • Attainable (“achievable” ): it is essential to maintain realism and set goals according to the current situation and the available resources.
  • Relevant (“relevant” ): the objectives of your YouTube channel should be in line with the business goals of your company.
  • Time-bound (“with a deadline” ) To correctly measure compliance. It is necessary to set a temporary goal.

2) Implement the Flywheel Methodology

The flywheel methodology is an update to the conversion funnel proposed by HubSpot, which describes the “momentum” a business generates when it focuses on delivering an exceptional customer experience.

Instead of a funnel with entry and exit points, the flywheel describes a continuous cycle with three phases:

  • Attract. Here, users unaware of the brand become potential customers or leads.
  • Imply. We converted into customers through interactions with the leads attracted in the previous step.
  • Delight. The cycle does not end by converting users into customers. Through an exceptional customer experience, we turn customers into brand advocates and help us attract new users, starting the cycle again.

This approach to your YouTube channel will help you generate continued growth and attract more potential customers.

3) Analyze your audience

Understanding who you are targeting is key to the success of any inbound marketing strategy. Only then can you create content that resonates with the needs and lifestyles of your potential customers and attracts them to the brand.

To achieve this goal, I recommend one of the stars inbound marketing tools: the buyer persona. It is a semi-fictional picture of your ideal customer based on market research and information about your current customers.

However, it is unnecessary to do expensive market research on this. The objective is to collect data on the demographic profile, behaviour, dreams, motivations and goals of the people most likely to become your best customers.

4) Take Advantage of Different Types of Content

One of the significant advantages of video content is its versatility. When you create your content plan, take into account the different types of videos that you can incorporate into your channel:

  • Vlogs – This type of content was made famous by video bloggers, who use it to chronicle notable events at a predetermined frequency. But brands can also take advantage of this format to tell the day to day of their company or communicate important news as if it were a newsletter.
  • Event Videos – In-person and online events are part of everyday life for many brands. Make your audience feel part of them, either through video reports or by sharing key content such as expert talks.
  • Live videos: without a doubt, this is one of the most successful formats of recent years. Live videos allow you to generate expectations, show your brand’s most authentic side, and encourage interaction with the audience.
  • Product Demonstrations – It’s already known that a picture is worth a thousand words. Videos are ideal for showing how your products use and their benefits.
  • Customer Testimonials – Testimonials are a proven marketing technique as they help increase the trust of potential customers. By showing a person they identify with, viewers can imagine themselves using the brand and connect with the offer.

5) Create a Style Guide – YouTube in Inbound Marketing

Consistency is essential for your YouTube presence to be successful. It is not only necessary to publish regularly, but also to offer content that, although varied, reflects the style and values ​​of the brand and the audience.

And also, to help you in this goal. It is highly to create a style guide for your content on YouTube. Therefore, you will be able to have a reference for aspects such as lighting, framing, presence of people, formats and themes. that will help you save effort when creating content and building a consistent brand image.

6) Optimize the SEO of Your Videos – YouTube in Inbound Marketing

YouTube is not only a social network; it is also the second largest search engine in the world. Therefore, you must keep in mind the SEO optimization of your videos to get your potential customers to find them. Take note of these recommendations:

So research the most relevant keywords for your video and include them in the title, tags, and description. If your video has voiceovers, it’s also good to incorporate them there.

Moreover, analyze the highest ranking videos for the most relevant keywords and try to identify what they have in common and how you can take advantage of it in your content.

Categorize your video in the theme that best reflects its content.

Add subtitles or edit the ones that YouTube automatically creates. It helps search engines to interpret the content and better index it correctly.

Add timestamps to critical moments in your video to increase the likelihood that it will show up as rich content on Google.

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7) Correctly Configure your Channel – YouTube in Inbound Marketing

Remember that you can optimize not only individual videos but also your channel. However, it is essential as it serves as a cover letter to potential subscribers. These are the main recommendations:

  • Use your logo or another representative image of your brand as an avatar.
  • Design an, measuring 2560 x 1140px and weighing no more than 2 MB.
  • Verify your channel by confirming your phone number.
  • Include a representative description of your channel, explaining who you are and what your videos are around. Include the most relevant keywords for your brand.
  • Create a video presentation of your brand and mark it as a featured video.
  • Customize your channel URL so it’s easy to remember.
  • Activate channel recommendations to show your videos as recommended content to users.