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How to Take Maintenance of Your Vaginal Flora?

How to Take Maintenance of Your Vaginal Flora_

How to Take Maintenance of Your Vaginal Flora? – The vagina can be the target of various infections if the balance of the vaginal flora is disturbed. To take care of it and understand how the natural vaginal flora works, here is a guide produced by the doctors at Live.

Vaginal Flora, What is it?

The vaginal flora, also called the vaginal microbiota, is a set of naturally present microorganisms that evolve within the vaginal cavity. These microorganisms are mainly bacteria that can be “good” or “bad” for the body. But the composition of the vaginal microbiota evolves throughout life depending on the hormonal production of the ovaries. Lifestyle can also influence the quality of the vaginal microbiota ( tobacco consumption, medication, stress, etc.).

The “good” bacteria, called lactobacilli, represent 90% of the vaginal microbiota. They develop at the onset of puberty to line the vaginal mucosa to protect it from the development of pathogenic germs, bacteria and fungi.

What are the Risks of an Imbalance?

These pathogenic germs can cause, for example, fungal infections, vaginosis or any other intimate discomfort. They develop particularly when the balance of the intimate flora is disturbed. To uphold a good equilibrium, healthy” bacteria must produce enough lactic acid to maintain the pH of the vagina between 3.8 and 4.2; this is the equivalent of the natural pH of the vagina. A pH above 4.5 indicates an imbalance in the vaginal flora, also called dysbiosis. From menopause, the natural pH of the vagina is 4.5.

For what Reasons can the Vaginal Flora be Unbalanced?

The balanced vaginal flora opposes the adhesion and colonization of pathogenic germs in the vagina and the proliferation of species naturally present in minorities, such as anaerobic bacteria and a fungus, Candida allicins. An imbalance of this flora increases the pH of the vagina and prevents the protective effect of the normal acidic ph. There are many reasons for this disruption:

The Hormonal Factor:

The body experiences many variations in hormone levels depending on the periods of its life (puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause). During pregnancy, for example, hormone levels are higher than usual. It allows vaginal cells to release more glycogen, a energy source for lactobacilli, the “healthy” bacteria, and Candida. Albian’s are fungi which become pathogenic when present in excessive quantities. It makes pregnant women more prone to yeast infections.

specific treatments such as antibiotics or gynaecological eggs can modify the natural pH of the vagina.

sperm reduce the acidity of the vagina. Additionally, the friction created by intercourse can cause bacteria to migrate from the digestive tract to the vagina and urethra.

Many factors can change the quality of the vaginal flora, such as tobacco consumption, swimming pool and sauna use, stress, fatigue, synthetic underwear, scented shower gels, vaginal douches, the IUD or inadequate intimate hygiene.

Signs of an Imbalanced Vaginal Flora

If all these factors of vaginal flora imbalance do not necessarily cause yeast infections or infections, they can create daily discomforts such as itching, irritation or unusual discharge. These discomforts should state to your GP or gynecologists’ so they don’t turn into vaginal infections or mistaken for a urinary tract infection. Here are the signs that would alert you:

Intimate Hygiene to Protect your Vaginal Flora: the Right Gestures

To protect the vaginal flora from possible disturbances, here are some gestures to integrate into your daily intimate hygiene:

Probiotics to Restore the Plant life Flora

The vaginal microbiota, made up of many bacteria, is essential to the good health of the vagina. But when a dysbiosis by the symptoms previously stated, an infection is triggered. It must, therefore, quickly  taken care of.

Probiotics can help restore or maintain balanced vaginal flora. They are used for prevention or in addition to antibiotic treatment if you suffer from a vaginal infection. The probiotics used in genecology  composed of lactobacilli, healthy bacteria for the vagina. They are in the oral or local form.

Ask your pharmacist for advice or consult your doctor or a doctor about Live to find out more.

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